Minerals cannot be considered medical products, and can in no way replace medical treatment or diagnosis.
The virtues cited below are taken from different sources dealing with minerals and lithotherapy, and cited here as an example. Lithotherapy is not validated by science and cannot be excluded from the advice of a health professional. L’Heptagramme cannot be held responsible.
Agate would help in the fight against cigarettes in smoking cessation. Participates in spiritual development gently, balances, secures, stabilizes and heals broken hearts. Help in making decisions by eliminating the negative. Calming of the mind, opening of psychic vision, wisdom through inner work. Reconnection to your sensations, acceptance and feeling of your body, your temple, self-respect and your intimacy. Anchoring, creativity, connection with nature. Trust, luck, abundance, gentleness, detachment, fears, phobias, will, vitality.
Agate (Black) is a very powerful stone, especially when needing support in extremely complicated and difficult situations. She will bring real strength of mind and great support during these times. Allows you to refocus energies, while keeping negative vibrations away. Allows you to acquire self-confidence, brings a great feeling of security, allows you to regain self-control, to refine your feelings.
Agate (Botswana ) is a stone of harmony which aligns our energies and thus helps fight against stress and states of generalized fatigue and depression. Its positive energy restores strength and motivation on a daily basis. On a more subtle level, it helps communicate positive feelings and brings cheerfulness and joy of life, fighting against sadness. It soothes and balances the mind, helps fight against insomnia by having sweet dreams. It motivates action to find solutions to problems. A few polished Botswana agate stones in the house effectively absorb bad vibes and bad energies. It allows you to feel safe and regain self-confidence.
Agate (Crazy Lace) strengthens and energizes the body and mind, dispels feelings of insecurity and lack of self-confidence by bringing out the energetic potential buried in each of us. Soothing, it helps to better accept oneself to better achieve inner peace. By promoting positive feelings, it strengthens bonds and goodwill towards those around you. Linked to mother earth, it draws on its energy to face the challenges of life, it is an anchoring stone. Its favorite chakras are the Root chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra, the Throat chakra and the Third eye chakra.
Agate (Flower) is a stone said to promote growth and development, helping to move forward. It is a very gentle stone that can calm and soothe the mind, bringing peace and serenity, it can help replace sadness with positive emotions such as joy or enthusiasm. Its energy alleviates negative thoughts and emotions. It is also a very good stone for self-expression, it helps to express with more clarity. Flower Agate encourages introspection, gentleness, wisdom, compassion, sincerity and forgiveness. It is recommended for people who have experienced difficult events or traumatic experiences.
Agate (Green ) has soothing properties. Both Yin and Yang, it allows you to keep the balance between these two forces. It helps dissipate blockages on the Chakras, it soothes anxieties and fears, allowing you to face the little worries of everyday life. Negative emotions will be better understood, so it will be easier to get rid of them. Green Agate is a stone of honesty towards oneself and others, allowing good self-confidence. It brings hope, allows you to move towards a better path, so it will be perfect for any new start in life. It helps to drive away resentment, jealousy, resentment and emotional dependence. It is also a stone of luck and prosperity.
Agate (Indian) enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect, making it a beneficial stone for students and artists. It is also known as a good luck stone. As a stone of harmony, one of the things agate does is balance yin/yang energy. Indian agate helps neutralize anxiety and anger. It helps us accept ourselves as we are and regain confidence in ourselves. Provides a feeling of peace and security. Soothing agitated minds and negative emotions, it opens to tranquility and mental well-being. It helps dispel fears. This stone would allow us to achieve our good resolutions. It supports us to become emotionally stronger and provides the courage needed in difficult situations. Favorable to introspection, anchoring and memorizing memories.
Agate (Moss) is a stone of harmony and balance around us. It aligns energy flows and thus helps combat fatigue, stress, gloom and even depression. It helps insecure people gain confidence in themselves and their abilities by exacerbating the good sides of their personality. Allows you to open your mind and be more receptive to the positive influences of natural elements. A stone of communication, it promotes romantic and sentimental connections, as well as connections with ethereal beings and the spirits of nature.
Agate (Red) is an excellent stone of protection against negative energies, it also calms the anxious and brings good humor. It is an anchoring stone that can give you balance, stability, harmony, emotional and physical appeasement. It is connected to the root and sacral chakras. It helps you accept yourself as you are and improves your self-confidence, so it will be very favorable to the shy. Red Agate provides great moral support and encourages its wearer to develop personally and achieve their dreams. Very favorable to good financial health as well as a healthy and fulfilling love life. It is believed to have the ability to attract good things such as luck or success. Red Agate helps maintain a good balance between body and mind.
Agate (White ) connects us directly to our inner child. It amplifies all sensations and positive feelings. Soothing stone, calms inexplicable anxieties, apprehensions and panics. Helps with self-acceptance and self-confidence. Heals emotional and affective wounds. It purifies and opens the crown chakra, allowing the passage of cosmic energies. Removes energy blockages and balances body and mind. Develops clairvoyance and concentration.
Agni Manitite, also known as the Pearl of Divine Fire, is one of the Tektites. This extremely rare stone was formed following a meteorite crash in Indonesia. It activates the heart chakra, raises the energetic vibration, activates self-confidence. Allows strength and positivity. This stone reminds us that everything is possible, helps direct our own will towards what truly brings us happiness and joy in our life. It is a stone of spiritual awakening and transformation. Opens us to a better understanding of the world around us. Protective stone creating a barrier allowing you to move forward with confidence while remaining grounded. It is sometimes considered a talisman gem with mystical properties.
Amazonite, stone of acceptance of emotions, of oneself and others. Truth, communication, harmony. Relieves fears, helps with self-control, creativity, determination, enthusiasm. The ideal stone for rediscovering your child's soul, it awakens the joy of living, allows you to put things into perspective and live in the present moment. Useful in depressive states, it helps to see life in a more positive way, encourages spontaneity and human contact. Calms the nervous system, will therefore be beneficial as an aid in stress-related illnesses.
Amber is said to possess very comprehensive virtues. It would help you gain self-confidence and find your place. It helps shy people and introverts come out of their shell, without excess. Provides a charismatic and solar aura. Amber is a good energy purifier, and would be able to help unblock certain stagnant energies in order to find harmony. People who have suffered trauma or an excess of disturbing emotions will be soothed by the benevolent vibrations of amber. 'amber. It is a very positive, energizing stone, promoting fulfillment and joy of life. It would fight against emotions like sadness and give the strength to fight for one's beliefs and goals. To overcome emotional conflicts and anxiety attacks, align and purify the auric bodies.
Amethyst helps fight obsessive thoughts and irrational passions.
It is associated with the crown chakra, that of wisdom and altruism. An amethyst geode placed in a room purifies the energy and provides a feeling of peace and relaxation. Often used in lithotherapy to soothe anxiety, anger, hysterical attacks and would allow rebalancing. Placed on the third eye chakra, it will stimulate imagination and creativity. Stone of wisdom and humility, it promotes spiritual elevation and concentration, very useful in the practice of meditation. It provides spiritual protection. Some healers would purify the healing hand with an amethyst geode. Symbol of serenity and balance, sincerity, wisdom and temperance.
Amethyst (Green): See Prasiolite
Amethyst (Pink) is linked to the heart chakra, it calms the mind and disorders linked to love. Very effective in healing painful feelings, Pink Amethyst is ideal for moving forward. It helps with perseverance and clairvoyance. Extremely rare stone, with high vibrational energy which provides a feeling of well-being and softness. This crystal will be chosen when you try to overcome your energy blockages linked to the heart, when you wish to bring harmony in your human relationships, relieve stress, to disconnect with a reality that is too harsh, if you want to increase your intuition, attract soul mate, whether you are overcoming challenges in relationships, learning to love yourself, healing from emotional wounds, increasing your self-esteem or attracting success into your life. It is a crystal that encourages us to think deeply about ourselves and to ask the right questions. It is a stone that helps to cultivate kindness, increase self-awareness and guide one towards the discovery of one's true passion.
Apatite (Blue) activates the psychic and access to knowledge. Develops and structures the inner being for knowledge and a fair understanding of the world, helps with the rise of Kundalini. Stone of dreams, inspiring, self-confidence, anti-stress, against anger. It is a stone of inspiration and motivation, it also encourages extroversion. It is favorable to communication and personal expression. Absorbs negativity towards self and others. It gives confidence while providing concentration, it will be perfect for students. It brings yin and yang into harmony, develops spirituality, increases motivation, creativity, encourages people to create connections.
Aquamarine clarifies verbal communication, stone of transformation, clarity, truth, cleanses and aligns all chakras, extrasensory perceptions. Brings tenderness, love and purity to its wearer. It helps strengthen the maternal instinct, enhancing sensitivity and inhibiting fears. Would help develop extra-lucidity and access high levels of consciousness. It would thus facilitate the practice of meditation and structure the mind by giving it access to reason. Artistic talents, appeasement, dynamism, help in mourning.
Aventurine (Blue) helps express our emotions and thoughts, it is a stone of tranquility, which calms the angry and hyperactive. It brings serenity in moments of stress and sadness, relieves melancholy. It allows you to take a step back in difficult situations. Increases motivation and stabilizes mood. Blue Aventurine is a stone of tranquility.
Aventurine (Green) is said to have anti-stress properties, it supports open-mindedness and soothes the heart. It allows you to take a step back and have self-control during situations dominated by emotions such as anger. It brings abundance, vitality, confidence, luck and self-control, as well as hope, optimism, enthusiasm, healing, nervousness and patience.
Aventurine (Orange) helps you make the right decisions in confusing situations. Stimulates perception and increases creativity. Calming action on anger, brings a feeling of well-being. It will help combat lethargy and bring new energy, relieve depression, bringing inner tranquility and composure. Symbolizes freedom of mind, knowledge.
Aventurine (Pink) is an excellent stone of comfort that brings happiness during difficult times. Helping to give meaning to life and find one's own path, it is highly recommended for people who do not know what to do with their lives. Stimulates creativity, inspiration and innovation. Repels negativity, brings positive energy and helps you move forward with a clear mind. Provides the motivation necessary to take the necessary actions to achieve the life you want. Balancing, it has the ability to stabilize emotions. Recommended for people who constantly question themselves about their decisions, helps eliminate doubts and provide greater self-confidence.
Aventurine (Purple) is an anchoring stone that allows you to be in contact with reality and absorb negativity. Calms anger, brings tranquility and self-control, develops patience and brings emotional balance. This stone is a symbol of freedom of mind and knowledge. It encourages introspection, allowing favorable solutions to be found.
Aventurine (Red) is known to calm anger and promote self-control and luck. It brings inner tranquility and calm, it is an anti-stress stone. Allows us to (re)find the sense of humor, cheerfulness and patience necessary to master our lives. Brings balance and emotional and mental stability. She is the symbol of freedom of mind and knowledge. Stone of anchor and contact with reality.
Aventurine (Yellow) represents self-reflection, prosperity, calm, balance, optimism and creativity. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra. It brings energy and good humor. Its energy is gentle and energizing, it promotes dynamism and spontaneity, so it would be useful for people who are a little sad, or lacking energy. Offers pessimists the ability to develop a positive outlook on life. Joy and serenity would be there with Yellow Aventurine
Azeztulite is a rare crystal, carrying pure, highly vibrational energy. Favorable to spiritual evolution, it is a very powerful stone, it helps with telepathic communication, to access different dimensions, to recover knowledge in genetic memories. Azeztulite is said to bring divine energy into us so that we can awaken spiritually, it would be able to bring light to every cell of the body.
Azurite allows us to access the energy of the divine spirit, it helps us sense the truth and protects us from deception by allowing us to understand the motivations of others. It represents the desire for knowledge, awakens a strong desire for personal experience. It reveals all the erroneous ideas of the past that we unconsciously believed and frees us from them. Sharpens our critical sense, allows us to reflect on apparent evidence, stimulates awareness and self-knowledge. Helps soothe migraines, reduce tinnitus, stabilize dizziness. Azurite is a stone of insight, intuition and stimulates the intellect.
Azurite Malachite is a soothing, calming stone with regenerative properties. It eliminates stress and sorrow. It is a stone for calm and harmony. It allows us to transform negative emotions, calms the mind, teaches us patience, opens us to more understanding towards ourselves and others. Stimulates and purifies the third eye, helps with spiritual awakening, develops consciousness. Helps resolve conflicts by harmonizing energies, development of our extrasensory abilities.
Barite is used in lithotherapy to purify the body. It helps to find emotional balance and contributes to spiritual awakening. It stimulates memory, especially dream memory. Associated with the Root, Solar Plexus and Crown chakras, it promotes meditation. Allowing you to communicate with the Universe in the purest way possible, this stone is a true energetic treasure. Thanks to it, it makes it easier for you to admit your wrongs and pivot in your life.
Biotite is a rooting stone, it provides solid anchoring. It reduces resentment, anger and other negative feelings, softens the character, allows you to be more understanding, like all micas, it has a calming effect. Brings softness, security and comfort, both physically and emotionally.
Bismuth is a stone of transformation and cohesion, it relieves symptoms of isolation. Applied to the solar plexus, it will stimulate us to overcome life situations that destabilize us. Placed on the third eye, it will help us elevate ourselves spiritually. Placed on the throat chakra, it will rebalance it energetically. In a room, it strengthens group cohesion and brings cheerfulness. Bismuth allows you to “sculpt” the mind, it allows you to move from the physical level to the astral level. Would practically neutralize a magnetic field. It would be able to stimulate creativity and promote the organization of thought. It works on the higher chakras. It helps during times of change and transformation. The energetic virtues of Bismuth are calming, imagination and clairvoyance.
Blue Chalcedony is a stone of very positive energy which diffuses gentle emotions around it, soothes sorrows, calms the agitated, makes you serene, helps to accept changes. Encourages eloquence and diplomacy. It invites optimism, good will, kindness. It is the stone of speakers, understanding and serenity. Structures and makes speech and communication more fluid. Balance, permanent self-awareness, ability to understand. Concentration during exams, overwork. It provides a feeling of inner peace. Stone of self-expression by allowing one to assert oneself with confidence in front of others. Recommended for aggressive people, it promotes fair expression without irony. Facilitates ascension into the highest vibrations of spirituality. Encourages open-mindedness to innovative ideas and acceptance of new situations.
Bronzite brings inner peace and gently dissolves blockages. It strengthens the control that we can take over our lives, gives courage to achieve our goals, restores energy, encourages us to assert ourselves. It is a stone of tenderness, softness and well-being. Encourages independence and gives confidence. Invites you to make decisions and follow the right path. Balances feminine and masculine energies in the body. Introduces to forgiveness and compassion. Teaches you to be guided by your soul rather than by your ego. Would be effective against curses.
Cacoxenite or Super Seven allows you to free yourself from fears, anxieties, doubts, fixed ideas, confusions, prejudices, it brings great clarity of mind, allows you to free yourself from erroneous beliefs and ideas. It can be found under the name Stone of 999 virtues as its energy will be effective in all areas. It has a very high vibration, ideal for healers and more generally, all those who work with energies. Ideal for spiritual awakening and self-transformation, it breaks down the barriers that prevent us from moving in this direction. It forms a real, very powerful shield that will not let any vibrational attack pass, it has a mirror effect and returns negative energies to their transmitter after having been transformed into neutral energies. Cacoxenite is a rare stone, also called Super Seven, it is also called Sacred Stone (or 7 chakras), but also Mélodieuse Stone. It is a powerful stone of terrestrial and celestial anchoring.
Calcite is purifying, refreshing, revitalizing. Opens blockages and activates energy systems. Joy and good humor, balance of yin and yang, telepathy, innovation. Clarity of revealing ideas and action, brings serenity, calm, comfort. Confidence, perseverance, intellectual power. It eliminates stagnant or negative energy from its environment. It promotes higher consciousness and spiritual growth, acting as a powerful tool to stimulate emotional healing and development.
Calcite (Banded) would have the power to amplify and purify energy. Purifies negative energy, and brings positive energy into our lives. It is an energizer that could combat fatigue, procrastination and laziness. Encourages you to take action, to follow your passions and your intuition, to transform ideas into reality by removing the fear of failure. Encourages motivation and inspiration, especially when hope seems lost. Would enhance the ability to learn quickly, making it interesting when seeking to acquire new skills and knowledge.
Calcite (Orange), its energy would facilitate astral travel. It would boost morale and activate creativity. Rebalances yin and yang energies. Brings and accentuates self-esteem and self-confidence. It encourages joy of life, optimism and enthusiasm. It allows you to work on your openness to the world and encourages communication for introverts.
Campo del Cielo, with its 4.5 billion years, this fragment of is older than the earth itself and seems to contain the secrets of the universe and time. Scientists believe that this meteorite comes from the asteroid belt located between the planets Mars and Jupiter. The energy, purity and magnetism of the Campo del Cielo meteorite help develop motivation, perseverance and willpower. This meteoric rock is also ideal for meditation; its celestial and ancient origins allowing it to be anchored in time and space. The energy contained in the stone would also be felt on a physical level and would bring dynamism and voluntarism to its wearer.
Carnelian helps us take steps to manifest our biggest goals and dreams. Carnelian helps to overcome the fear of acting or making bad decisions. Allows us to address change and transformation in our lives. It would give energy and vitality to the physical body, help to purify the body as a “temple of the spirit”. Restores vitality and motivation in all areas, courage, confidence, action, concentration, creativity, sexuality, feminine stone.
Celestite, high spiritual connection, angelic communication, access to higher dimensions. Opens and purifies the third eye and crown chakras. Can help eliminate negative and cleanse the auric field. Serenity, clarity of ideas, intuition, promotes astral travel, helps with creativity. Feeling of elevation centered in the emotional body. Helps us feel safe and protected, indicated in cases of fears, suspicion or paranoia, helping us to be more optimistic, energetic, even euphoric.
Chalcopyrite powerfully recharges the solar plexus. Applied to the third eye, it will provide greater mental alertness. It facilitates meditation. Promotes energetic healing by allowing the free circulation of energies eliminating blockages by moving Chi in the body, which makes it an effective tool in acupuncture and acupressure treatments. Crystal of abundance. Resonates strongly with the solar plexus chakra, power chakra. Free yourself from past mistakes by stopping pointing the finger at them when something doesn't go as planned. Helps with creativity and the need for new and innovative ideas. It is also a useful crystal when you are about to start a new job or business. It is very uplifting and grounds nervous energies and allows one to let go of fears, worries and stress. It will help one feel calm and collected, convey that love comes with victories and losses, and with tears and laughter. The energies of this crystal will enhance perception and awaken inner sight, helping one become more attentive to thoughts or feelings.
Charoite allows you to release unconscious emotions and act consciously. It is a stone of transformation, it allows you to accept who you are and who should be, to free yourself from the most anchored fears and anxieties. It has the power to transform the negative into positive, to clarify situations that need it, it supports in the face of opposition, and would help fight insomnia. It relaxes, relaxes, recharges with energy, gives vigor and spontaneity. It is a stone that allows you to free the mind and acquire wisdom. Develops intuition, unconditional Love, cleanses inner negativity, protection, healing. To understand others and the world, individuality. Spiritual development, intensive and creative dreams. Strength and resistance, sensitivity, spontaneity, anti-stress.
Chiastolite is a stone of balance between telluric and cosmic energies. It is a centering stone, it will be very useful for maintaining a balance between our spiritual life and the matter in which we are incarnated. It allows us to place ourselves at the center of our universe. The convergence of its energies recharges the plexus chakra, providing strength to fight in difficult situations. Allows you to move from one situation to another smoothly. It is a stone of protection that increases our strength tenfold.
Chrysocolla teaches how sound influences our physical reality and how we can change that reality by changing the way we use words. Promotes communication between all beings by promoting the expression of the energy of the heart. Compassion, communication, expression of the sacred, kindness and power. Yin energy, confidence and sensitivity, harmonizes emotions, relieves guilt. Helps to feel more confident in communication, to dispel fears in highly emotional situations. It allows you to free yourself from patterns of sarcasm, criticism and facetiousness in communication with others, going so far as to eliminate the source of these patterns. Eliminates stress, anxiety and other imbalances based on fear.
Chrysoprase helps connect to the abundant energy of the Divine and unconditional love. Develops the ability to feel and express Love. Helps us to maintain positive and healing thoughts towards each other and towards the Earth, to detach ourselves from emotions linked to fear, from erroneous beliefs and actions. Compassion, connection with nature, forgiveness, altruism. Excellent for helping to heal from abuse, ending the cycle of abuse for future generations. A stone of general healing and regeneration, it helps maintain the spirit, outlook and energy of youth.
Cinnabar contains mercury, we will not make it into an elixir and will avoid contact with children; it is recommended to wash your hands after handling this stone. It strengthens the base chakra, it is known to enhance Kundalini awakening, and encourage greater flow of energy into the lower chakras. Powerful stone for spiritual alchemists. Stimulating the emotional body, it can help us free ourselves from buried resentments, anger or fears. It encourages us to face our reality without denial. Stone of strength and courage.
Citrine is a stone allowing the purification of the channel of materialization and manifestation of divine energy. Helps us to stay the course and overcome difficulties, to maintain constant effort in the face of adversity and to take firm action. Helps overcome the feeling of not deserving abundance. Creativity, luck, joy, blossoming of our inner sun, mental clarity. Help against abuse of power.
Coral combines all the beneficial forces of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. It concentrates cosmic energies and develops the magnetism of the wearer and protects against negative influences. Wards off the evil eye and protects against black magic.
Coral (Black Fossil) is the stone of the subconscious and dreams. It protects against negative energies and helps to get out of states of sadness. Pink corals help to overcome emotional conflicts, states of panic, feelings of fear, to protect oneself from one's fears (Heart Chakra). It can also be used as an aid in all meditation techniques. Used for its supply of energy, vitality and joy of living.
Clear Quartz is an energetic amplifier of other minerals, it can be programmed, it is a transmitter, receiver and amplifier. It would improve memory, ideas and thoughts, emotions. Allows you to reach a high level of meditation quickly. Healing and expansion of emotions. It strengthens and develops the energy level of the body. Develops psychic faculties such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy... Stone of light and purity, it is used to amplify one's own powers and one's own energy, one's own light. It accompanies and plays a role of purifier of the aura.
Copper (Native) is like an antenna that captures cosmic energies and conveys them to the crown chakra. Associated with Azurite, Tanzanite or Amethyst, it will be an excellent tool for meditation, astral travel, divination and telepathy. Allows you to harmonize the first 5 chakras. Placed on the sacral chakra, it will act as a love charm, gentle and powerful. It is a stone of well-being and harmony.
Cuprite is a rare stone, it works at the level of the base chakra, freeing from irrational fears. This stone connects to divine energies, it increases vitality and life force. It represents the power of receptivity, teaches those who do not know how to receive from others, who prevent themselves from manifesting or feel powerless in their lives. It is a stone of women's mysteries that can be used to access information inherited from our mothers since the beginning of humanity. It carries the energy of the feminine archetype, and will help us face our relationship with our mother/sister/daughter/female partners and the feminine aspect within us. It allows us to heal through the exploration of our darkest and deepest sacred Self. It is a stone of healing and femininity.
Dragon Stone connects deeply to the energy of the Earth and supports projects, strengthens to help move forward by being more authentic. It awakens the Kundalini, allows anchoring to nature, improves vital force, courage and will. It is a stone that helps one open up to joy, it leads one towards one's goals, restores energy to one's mind, and allows one to adapt with ease to new situations. Cleanses the aura by chasing away old emotions, it allows you to see yourself as you are. Soothes sadness, overcomes regrets, self-pity and resentment. Brings patience and allows access to rest. It is a stone of strength and balance.
Dumortierite is useful for opening or enhancing intuitive, paranormal abilities and inspiration, it facilitates connection with divine spirit and helps us receive guidance. It forms the link between soul and matter. It allows us to better understand those around us, to accept reality for what it is and to act in a relevant way, with confidence. It is a stone of elevation of the soul which it connects to the spirit while remaining well anchored to the Earth. Soothing stone, which allows you to be zen, to maintain lightness, to let go of fears and to remain in control in stressful moments. Gives courage to move forward in difficulty and emerge into the light, brings harmony, patience, tolerance and self-discipline. Stone of stability and patience. Helps to have clear ideas, to stay attentive and focused. It provides great learning capacity, helps with mental discipline, releases energy blockages. Stone of stability & patience.
Emerald links to the frequency of divine Love, compassion and true gratitude for all of our experiences and creations. Very effective in changing awareness of lack, into awareness of prosperity, developing our confidence that the Universe provides everything we need. It allows us to develop our gratitude by perceiving and receiving donations. Wonderful emotional healer. It allows us to express our compassion and loving nature, without fear of vulnerability. Encourages us to let go of our personal vision of what “should be.” Helps to overcome the feeling of not being worthy, the fear of lack and abandonment. Encourages us to accept others as they are, without judgment, without imposing our own visions of reality. Energy healing, love, compassion, abundance, the wisdom of the heart.
Epidote is a stone for patience, helps to differentiate between empathy and compassion. Allows us to know ourselves better, what is good for us, what we must free from our family history in order to create our own story, with more accuracy. It gives courage to overcome difficulties and protects us from external influences that would disagree with our interests. It dispels sadness, sorrow, allows us not to be overcome by stage fright. Stone of self-confidence, which allows us to be more individualistic.
Eudialyte is a stone for self-love and emotional healing, it activates and opens the heart, allowing us to discover its true path. Encourages us to respect and honor ourselves, so that our talents and abilities can be shared, aligned with our hearts. Ideal for making turning points in your life, new beginnings, overcoming grief, suffering and guilt. It is a stone of liberation from all blockages. Drives away fear and the mentality of lack, helps us see infinite abundance. Helps to overcome doubt, denigration and criticism of oneself. Feeling of euphoria, satisfaction and joy acting on the heart. It will increase the synchronicities of sweetness in your love life. Helps us to be more present in our physical body, with tenderness, to understand our value and encourages us to continue on the higher path.
Feldspar allows you to reconnect with yourself, helps to remove obstacles and keep away negative emotions that can influence decisions, highlights priorities in order to leave details and less important things aside. Helps you find authenticity and purity in your relationships with others. Allows you to let go of your weapons and raise your defenses during an emotional conflict. Helps to find softness and serenity in order to be able to build solid and authentic foundations to forge a unique and lasting personality. Its feminine energy offers an enveloping and comforting feeling.
Fluorite provides structure and concentration, allows us to be centered, relieves confusion, helps remedy indecision, instability, dishonesty and disorders arising from inconsistent thought patterns. This helps us listen to our inner guidance during meditation, can improve our ability to interpret and receive psychic information from energy fields. Balances and stimulates learning and memory skills. Interesting for children, teenagers and students. Concentration, creativity, memorization, structures and organizes positive thinking, telepathy, imagination, peace and harmony. Clarity and improvement of the mind, purification of energy fields.
Fluorite (Blue) promotes clarity and mental concentration, ordering of ideas and integration of new ideas. It helps to clarify energy by making perceptions clear and precise. Stone of discernment, its action would be beneficial on cerebral activity. It has a protective function, by capturing negative waves. Specially indicated for people who operate in the field of justice, this crystalline stone promotes impartiality and communication. It corresponds to the 6th chakra (3rd eye) and very suitable for developing intuitive, creative qualities and approaching perceptions of subtle worlds. It balances the energies of the 5th chakra (throat chakra). Fluorite is also rich in fluorine and calcium and is therefore perhaps associated with Calcite to help with remineralization (bones and teeth). Some authors claim that it promotes brain connections and balances the cerebral hemispheres.
Fossil wood provides powerful anchoring, ideal for people who have their heads in the clouds. It gives the impetus to move forward, ideal for undertaking projects, gives courage and strength in adversity, helps to overcome stress. Allows you to learn lessons from the past and free yourself from the pain associated with it. Fossil Wood is a stone of anchoring and calm.
Fulgurite is a powerful stone of initiation and spiritual transformation and evolution. It is the symbol of divine energy descending to Earth, the connection with the Universe and the anchor to the Earth. Allows us to realign our chakras and regulate the electromagnetic field from our root chakra. Allows us to quickly release the patterns of the emotional body and purify relationships, it allows us to highlight the karmic relationships of our relationships with others in life. Affixed to the crown chakra, it activates in us a great surge of divine energy. It is a physical energy booster, helps heal blockages, it is a stone of strength and balance.
Fuchsite connects to the heart of the Earth, allows us to better understand and apprehend it. Allows introspective work, it is used to energize the heart chakra. Helps protect oneself from an overly authoritarian environment and facilitates exchanges. Opens us to unconditional love, helps resolve emotional tensions through its calming action, plays a calming role on anger and nervousness. Allows us to take a step back to arrive at a more suitable solution.
Gabbro is a fairly rare stone, which combines the properties of several minerals and precious stones of which it is composed. It is energetically very powerful, gives us strength in all life situations, helps to get out of routine, pushes us to change, to make a new start when necessary. Allows us to evolve under its protection, sweeps away the obstacles that block our material, social, emotional or spiritual evolution. Frees us from patterns or behaviors that are no longer appropriate. Serves as a trigger in self-healing and physical, mental, emotional, spiritual regeneration. It is a stone of self-radiation.
Galena allows us to perceive all aspects of our being and integrate them into a coherent whole. Allows us to recover the disowned aspects of our Self, in order to be fully in our power. Anchor stone, placing one stone on the base chakra and one on the third eye will bring intellectual balance. We will use it for people who often change their ideas, objectives, projects, it will allow them to refocus. It will be used as a shield in a house, it will effectively protect against negative energies and bad spells. It contains lead, so be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling it; obviously you will not make an elixir from this stone.
Garnet helps to find joy on a physical level, to feel supported in our needs and desires, to give and receive love. Drive away panic, worry, fear and anxiety, especially in the financial area. Teaches us to develop our trust in the infinite abundance of the Universe and helps us feel calm and grounded. Helps you tune into the revitalizing energy of the Earth. Anchorage, prosperity, happiness, strength, security, protection, knowledge, self-confidence. Not recommended in cases of tachycardia, hypertension, as well as angry people and tense people.
Garnet (Green) helps get rid of negative energies and transform them into positive energies. Recommended for anxious people who have difficulty managing their emotions, provides more mental flexibility. Stone of support, which helps to bring one's minds together to focus on the important elements of life. It thus attenuates parasitic ideas to leave room for reflection, creativity and efficiency. It is believed to be beneficial to the creative sense and success. Drives away the feeling of loneliness, encourages strength and vigor while providing increased courage and self-confidence. Generally speaking, he is a true ally giving strength and determination in all areas. In love, comfort, self-confidence and loyalty are instilled by this stone with soft green tones. At work, productivity and success will be there, leading to professional accomplishment. As a family, communication and bonding moments are encouraged, bringing joy and serenity.
Glaucophane is a stone of self-realization which brings radiance to the aura and gradually strengthens the vibration rate of its wearer and their connection to the positive energies present in their environment. Attracts favorable waves for oneself, encourages self-exploration, strengthens motivation, helps one get out of depressive phases and restores energy. It would stimulate the elimination of toxins and help improve the ability to memorize.
Hackmanite is a very rare variety of Sodalite, discovered in 1896 in Greenland. Associated with the 4 and 7th chakra, it promotes inner vision and clarifies the mind. In meditation, it helps to break away from old mental patterns. Anti-stress and very spiritual stone. When we connect to a Hackmanite, we immediately feel our energy field expand, we become completely permeable to all the subtle information towards which we direct our consciousness. Our consciousness becomes capable of contacting very subtle planes to capture light information that can change our perception, a sort of super activation of the mobility of our mind, which allows us to learn particularly valuable lessons thanks to the work we undertake. with a Hackmanite. A mind that is distracted, unstable, or simply poorly trained in meditation risks creating more disruption than benefits. Possibility of developing one's abilities, of raising the state of consciousness, from which one can capture and emit all kinds of subtle information. Creates a view through which one can study and receive explanations about the correlation between all levels of consciousness, through a particularly elevated posture one travels easily within the different frequencies.
Hematite teaches to reconcile polarities, to balance opposites and to manifest light. It is a powerful grounding stone, helping us carry very high frequency energies while remaining connected to the Earth and our physical body. Helps us to maintain hope and positivity in all difficult situations, to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Gives strength, courage and fortitude to move forward in adversity. Increases our self-respect, strengthens our will and our reliability, it works on confidence in general. Directs mental attention to our essential needs, fights against all forms of excess.
Herkimer Diamond activates the chakras and removes energy blockages. Promotes concentration, spiritual awakening, letting go and meditation when in contact with the crown chakra, brings order to your mind. It allows us to highlight our wrongs so that we can work on ourselves. Mineral of renewal, it allows us to interpret dreams to learn to know ourselves better. Stone of light which promotes intuition and knowledge. The Herkimer diamond will above all purify the magnetic field of its wearer and harmonize energy flows.
Develops psychic and intuitive abilities.
Hiddenite is a heart chakra opening stone, it stimulates the emotional body, encourages joy and absolute happiness. It will be very effective against fears about finances, wealth and our own worth. It teaches us the true energy of gratitude and abundance, opening us to receive energy, love and gifts from the divine. Very soft stone which brings calm and serenity, self-confidence, ease in speaking. It is from the Kunzite family, they combine wonderfully for a work of rebalancing and reharmonizing the energies of the heart chakra in the case of sentimental conflicts, emotional dramas, they will allow peace, balance, understanding and acceptance of what is, objectivity, awareness, mental strength and courage. It is a stone of exteriorization and calm.
Howlite is interesting as part of a weight loss diet because it promotes the elimination of water in the tissues (sacral chakra and plexus). On the plexus, it allows us to remain zen in an overexcited environment, it moderates negative surges, encourages an expression of emotions in gentleness and love. Favorable to a better understanding of others, it opens up to forgiveness and indulgence. Allows us to have a greater sense of responsibility. Calming, excellent for insomnia, teaches patience, absorbs anger. Encourages the expression of emotions in gentleness and love. Releases nervous tension, daily stress, dissolves negativity.
Hypersthene affixed to the solar plexus chakra, reduces irritability and improves relationships with others, allows us to be more convincing, more honest and develops better listening skills. On the third eye, it refines discernment by reducing prejudices and increases clairaudience. Anchoring and psychological protection, helps to accept criticism and to control one's susceptibility to allow us to evolve.
Iolite enhances paranormal and intuitive abilities, communication with higher guides, inspiration and creativity. Awakens self-love, tolerance towards ourselves and others, gives self-confidence, useful for the shy. Aids in meditation, allowing conscious communication with other planes. Gives the power to imagine solutions to emotional problems. Promotes a positive, calm and clear mind, useful in adversity. Helps develop a more enlightened perspective on life.
Jade represents honesty and temperance, it offers tolerance and gives objectivity to the judgment of others and helps increase the level of consciousness. Symbol of purity, serenity, abundance, protection, prosperity, health, harmony and luck. Calms the mind by letting go of negative thoughts. Promotes dreams, arouses the awakening of sacred knowledge.
Jade (Black) offers great protection against negative energies, which it transmutes into positive energies. It concentrates influences and keeps negativity away. Creates an atmosphere of harmony and serenity. It encourages freedom and autonomy while helping people live an active and happy life in order to achieve their dreams. Invites calm and respectful communication, helps to express what is on our hearts. Also useful for freeing yourself from feelings of guilt, lack of self-confidence or self-sabotage. Lets find your own way to think about those who tend to be followers. Helping to alleviate fears in order to move forward with confidence, it can also help you to be more ambitious, wiser and more peaceful. Help to release old traumatic or unwanted memories. Black jade can also help keep a clear mind by reducing stress and anxiety so you can make the best decisions in all situations. It is also a very good stone for introspection, it will help you focus on your inner self rather than on the outside world. Black jade contributes to the harmonization of energies in order to encourage tolerance and kindness with those around you.
Jade (Green) is a green stone linked to the heart chakra, promotes the expression of positive feelings, healthy relationships and helps to find happiness in the simple things of life. Helps alleviate nervousness on a personal level. If you are heartbroken or suffering from an emotional wound from the past, Jade will teach you to open your heart again, without fear or apprehension. By restoring inner calm, the heart chakra allows you to find perfect balance, both mentally and physically, bringing a pleasant feeling of happiness and joy of life, like a feeling of calm after the storm.
Jade (Myanmar) or Burmese Jade brings serenity and harmony. Protective stone favorable to meditation, its gentle energy creates a feeling of peace. Burmese jade releases irritability, impulsiveness and anger. This precious stone for the soul intensifies feelings of love. Lucky stone, it brings luck and prosperity to its wearer. Burmese jade encourages us to express our true self and helps develop autonomy.
Jade (White) is known to promote honesty, morality and objectivity. Helps raise the level of consciousness, encourages temperance and tolerance. Excellent stone for letting go, relaxation and intuition. For those who need calm and peace, it will help to relax and get rid of the feeling of loneliness. Would have the ability to improve human relationships and make friends more easily. Helps relieve emotional wounds from the past. Reduces anger, resentment and bitterness in order to favor more positive feelings. Helps to be confident and motivated, promotes luck. Balances energies and encourages greater gentleness, kindness and benevolence. Stone of protection against negative energies, it clears thoughts and encourages a more autonomous attitude.
Jadeite helps with greater stability, soothes the physical manifestations of nervous disorders. It pushes us to honesty, temperance and tolerance. Balances judgment of others, raises our consciousness. Allows you to acquire fair morality in judgment, it will be very useful in negotiations, mediation, bringing balance to exchanges. Eliminates the feeling of guilt, to face the difficulties linked to expected forgiveness. It promotes business. Concentrates energies and restores a harmonious, serene atmosphere.
Jade (Nephrite) opens one to courage and action, it allows access to greater inner strength and better self-esteem. Would eliminate feelings of jealousy and possessiveness, it would be perfect for compulsive buyers. It is a symbol of luck in business and fortune.
Jet allows us to see the lessons hidden behind “negative” experiences and helps us assimilate them in order to eliminate their manifestations. It cleanses the energetic connections of patterns that appear as negative experiences in our life. It allows us to accept our faults and our talents. It helps us perceive our personal power and recognize what still needs to be developed in order to reach our potential. Purification and protection from negative forces and bad spells. To help cope with bereavement, sorrow. Brings stability, anchoring, acceptance of reality, simplicity of the present moment.
Jasper (Blue) acts on stress and helps balance and soothe emotions, a stabilizing stone. Promotes self-esteem, it encourages you to assert yourself and communicate better with others. Its energizing virtues give the strength to achieve one's goals by developing willpower. Helps not to suffer from loneliness, or even to make the situation positive. It turns out to be an excellent intellectual stimulant. It develops stability while harmonizing energies.
Jasper (Breschia or Breccia)is linked to the root chakra, the first energy center of the body, which makes it a stone of action that develops the courage and confidence necessary to carry out our projects. It is also a great ally for the mind. Its vibration helps strengthen the aura. Breschia jasper gently fades shyness and invites you to move forward to achieve your goals. It is also an interesting anchoring stone. Calms the fog of thoughts and brings you back to the real world, to the present moment, ideal for dreamers, allows you to take action and transform dreams into reality. It is also an excellent stone of support during difficult times.
Jasper (Bumblebee) or Bee Jasper is a mixture of volcanic minerals, including Angelite and sulfur. It is a powerful protector, which soothes emotional stress and reminds us that we are solely responsible for our choices, it allows us to correct unfair situations. Personal progress, serenity and inner peace, feeling of calm, dissipates fear, anger and allows access to forgiveness. It increases the vibration level, cleanses the chakras, helps to transmute mental, emotional or physical pain, by shifting the attention from it. Vibrational healing stone through connection to the Earth. It opens us to altruism and compassion.
Jasper (Dalmatian) is a stone of balance, which provides the courage and patience necessary to face daily problems. Stimulates imagination and thinking, promotes learning and achieving goals. Stone of emotional balance, it will appeal to our inner child, soothe and support during periods of stress. Harmonizes the physical and spiritual. Balance between Yin and Yang, regulates hormonal activity.
Jasper (Dendritic) is linked to the Earth, it is an anchoring stone, it encourages living fully in the present moment. Free yourself from the superfluous to allow you to find happiness in the simple pleasures of life. Provides inner peace by allowing emotional excesses to be evacuated and making tensions disappear. Protects from negative energies and soothes its wearer. Brings clarity of mind, to avoid manipulation. Promotes creativity and imagination, strengthens determination.
Jasper (Heliotrope) or Sanguine Jasper allows you to maintain control on a psycho-emotional level, helps during periods of doubt and discouragement, warms the heart and helps with decision-making. Stone of anchor and control, which promotes a more effective connection to one's inner forces. Extremely beneficial for self-control, it soothes the toughest characters and brings stressed people a great feeling of balance, calm and appeasement. Stone of protection against bad intentions, it constitutes a shield against negative emotions. Promotes spiritual development and helps you find your way by stimulating creativity and developing intuition. Placed on the bedroom dresser or directly under the sleeper's pillow, it protects against nightmares and improves dream memory.
Jasper (Rainbow) brings vitality, strength and determination to move forward in life and face daily worries by bringing calm and clairvoyance. An anchor stone to the Earth, it harmonizes the terrestrial and the celestial, the body and the spirit. Stone of stability, it helps to keep your feet on the ground. Useful stone for making a new start.
Jasper (Shell) is a stone of balance, bringing relaxation, well-being and serenity. Helps to overcome feelings of guilt and encourages you to think about your goals. Stimulates spirituality, keeps you focused and guides you on the right path. Protection against dark forms of magic, repels negative energies. Stabilizes energy and aura, especially during astral travel, useful for grounding. Shell Jasper is associated with the root and lower chakras.
Jasper (Strawberry) is a protective, calming and balancing stone, encourages self-love, to feel a feeling of happiness and fullness. It is linked to the root and sacral chakras. The element fire and the planet Mars are linked to this Jasper. It is a stone of justice and fairness that promotes responsibility, choice and compassion. Helps to connect to energies in the spiritual realm, and to past lives. In meditation, it helps to anchor one's energy in the earth, to recharge and reconnect.
Jasper (White) absorbs negative energy and offers great protection. It balances yin and yang and harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. For the adult, white agate helps contact the inner child. Would strengthen fertility.
Landscape Jasper allows you to be in tune and resonate with the energies of the Earth and places. Helps to reestablish the connection with the Earth. Intergenerational energy healing.
Picasso Jasper is a joyful and creative stone that encourages taking initiative and the emergence of ideas. Ideal for entrepreneurs who need to take action, combine ideas or clarify their objectives. Opens to a valiant spirit and an overflowing imagination, also helps to channel this energy to achieve aspirations in all areas of personal life. Its positive vibes promote actions of mutual aid and solidarity. It is also a good safeguard to stay aligned with your principles and values. On a karmic level, Picasso Jasper essentially draws its energies from mother earth in order to revitalize its favorite chakras: the Root chakra, the Sacred chakra, the Heart chakra and the Third eye chakra.
Red Jasper helps to free oneself from guilt and shame regarding sexual matters. It is a valuable ally when we are determined to completely heal from violent sexual experiences. Stimulates the base chakra and supports the rise of Kundalini. Stone of physical strength and powerful energy. Stabilization, anchoring, vitality, awakening to the concrete, helps to have your feet on the ground. Brings calm, well-being and serenity, while allowing you to regain self-confidence.
Septaria Jasper allows us to dissolve the shells built over the emotional shocks of existence, it allows us to erase their memories and put our sensitive nature back into circulation. It helps you to be very stable in difficult situations, brings great self-control, the will, the strength to move forward and take control of your life when necessary. Very useful for people who live in denial and repression of their emotions. It opens one to emotions, allowing one not to overload oneself with retained energies. Sensitivity is no longer experienced as a handicap but as the precious ally that it is, providing a great wealth of information. Allows you to channel emotions. Mastery, willpower and self-control.
Sesame Jasper, also called Kiwi Jasper, is a stone that supports during periods of stress, brings tranquility and fullness. Aligns the chakras and absorbs negative energy, and is particularly suitable for healthcare or social workers. Its positive vibration will help maintain good mood, a feeling of peace as well as good emotional balance. By contributing to the harmony of the chakras, it provides a great feeling of joy and fullness on a daily basis. It provides an incredibly vibrant and stimulating energy promoting a feeling of euphoria while maintaining the balance of yin and yang.
Unakite Jasper raises the vibration of the physical body and the emotional body helping us to let go of old disharmonious patterns, negative emotions and thoughts that have become habits. Higher attunement, healing, balance, abandoning bad habits, perseverance and patience.
Green Jasper is an anchor stone to the Earth, which influences the perception of reality. To take full advantage of its powers, you should always wear Green Jasper to promote inner development, balance emotions and strengthen self-confidence. Allows you to take a moment to observe the present, step back and make conscious decisions. It protects from surrounding negative energies to find calming stability. It is known to bring balance and harmony. It gives vitality and understanding to the occupants of the house in which it is placed. True anchoring to the Earth, helps redirect attention to better control our mind and emotions, whatever the situation. Allows you to take a moment to observe the present, to step back and make conscious decisions. Protects from surrounding negative energies to find calming stability.
Kyanite stimulates the third eye and paranormal abilities, it fills blockages in the energetic and physical body, protects the auric field from intrusions. It allows us to free ourselves from emotional patterns that have become habits, and to create new pathways for the flow of energy, changing the way we perceive the world. It dissipates blockages, anger, it is anti-stress. Helps to remember past lives, facilitates telepathy, to communicate with nature. Excellent meditation stone, helps remember dreams.
Kyanite Aura filters energy but never retains it. It filters negative energy and channels positive energy into your chakras. Ideal for self-expression and finding your true voice and path. It is a stone that helps you reach a deeper level of meditation as it can provide you with energy to relax into a fuller state of consciousness. It removes blockages by filtering blocking energies and allows energy to flow through us. A Kyanite Aura is used when one needs the courage to express one's thoughts, it gives the clarity and focus needed to use the crown and throat chakras in unison to get the true message across. It instantly aligns all chakras and subtle bodies, balances yin-yang energy and clears blockages, gently moving energy through the physical body. Calming effect on the entire being, bringing tranquility, encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels.
Kunzite connects to the energy of divine and unconditional love specific to all creation. Very useful for healing the emotional body and the inner child. Soothing and comforting, it is ideal for those who need softness and tenderness. Helps control anger and strengthens self-love, replacing ego wounds. Has a very high vibration, releasing any emotional trauma past in this life or a previous life, it activates a powerful protective field. Allows you to open up to harmonious and serene relationships with others, accepting their values without judgment. Open to tolerance and humility. Helps to let go of resistance to life and become receptive to the energies of love.
Labradorite helps uncover belief patterns that generate negative emotional states. Helps to become aware of source beliefs, the influence of the ego and our internal dialogue in our emotional states. Protection against the negative and emotional influences of others, develops intuition, improves paranormal abilities, useful in magic and ritual. Creates a harmonizing shield. Rebalancing and harmonization of the aura. Stone of the present moment and serenity. For all these reasons, it is called the therapist's stone.
White Labradorite (also called Rainbow Moonstone) is traditionally associated with Yin, a feminine principle like the Moon. According to this belief, Labradorite therefore represents the light which brings comfort in darkness. Promotes marital happiness by strengthening the romantic bond and trust, develops intuition and clairvoyance, the ability to anticipate problems and find a solution before they arrive. This stone attracts happiness and wards off bad energies.
Lapis Lazuli awakens the third eye, the ability to see and receive guidance. Facilitates the meditative journey, the vision of past lives, useful in clairvoyance. Helps to overcome the difficulties we might have by helping us evolve beyond our consciousness. Helps find the karmic roots of thought patterns that have become habits, which prevent evolution. Stone of protection, harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Encourages self-control and creativity. It facilitates the expression of feelings and emotions. Communication stone which resolves blockages in personal and oral expression. Brings deep peace. Helps dissolve buried sadness.
Larimar teaches self-respect, promotes communication and the expression of emotional energy. A powerful healer and cleanser of emotions, it will be appreciated for fighting phobias, anxiety attacks, imbalances linked to stress or anger or excessive fears. Helps you no longer judge and/or interpret what is. Appeasement of the emotional body, linked to feminine power, relationship with the energies of the Goddess. Promotes communication and the expression of emotional energy. It is a powerful cleanser and healer of emotions.
Apache's Tear See Obsidian Apache's Tear.
Larvikite has properties similar to labradorite, it prevents us from absorbing too much the suffering of those around us and mental pollution, in particular our own negative thoughts. Particularly suitable for hypersensitive people and those who wish to develop emotional control. It will be placed on the solar plexus to release the energies absorbed by it. Allows you to stay centered in the “here and now”. An anchor stone associated with the Earth, it is ideal for dispelling loneliness and preventing mental exhaustion, remaining calm in the face of complicated situations, and strengthening analytical skills. Activates the ability to perceive past lives while ensuring an anchor to Mother Earth. Ability to stimulate concentration, memory, creativity and learning ability.
Lepidolite encourages us to accept living fully in the present and to stop identifying with the ego. Allows you to find emotional calm when external events are agitated. Balances emotions and prevents excessive emotional changes. Indicated in sleep disorders such as insomnia linked to stress, worry or nightmares. Soothing, healing and balance of the emotional body. Purification, serenity, peace and love, connection to the divine, anti-stress, meditation improvements.
Lodolite or Shaman's Stone is a Quartz with inclusion reminiscent of landscapes, which is why it is renowned for offering a view of the world. This stone is said to bring a cosmic shift in consciousness. Allows us to find our own inner light and connects us to divine light. Harmonizer of the highest energies of the aura. Powerful on a spiritual level, gives access to past lives, helps communicate with nature spirits, helps with spiritual elevation, allows one to see the aura. Will promote eloquence in those who are shy or have difficulty expressing themselves in public, gives clarity and confidence. Increases our extrasensory abilities, helps relieve emotional pain from the past. It is considered by shamans as a powerful ally for all types of healing. It also helps bring the energies necessary to manifest our desires and ideals in our life, it concentrates and amplifies our thoughts and intentions. Harmonizes the soul, body and spirit, strengthens self-esteem, improves psychic awareness. It has a fantastic healing vibration which comes from the combination of the qualities of Quartz and the vibrations of inclusions.
Magnesite helps activate paranormal senses, allows you to get in tune with the Akashic archives. It balances the emotional body, allowing us to free ourselves from excessive stress and let go of control, helps us express feelings fluidly, allows us to feel more secure. Frees the body from any tension or energetic stagnation.
Magnetite is excellent for repressing the pain in the heart of the earth's magma by bringing compassion back to you. Helps to get back on track, build friendships, consolidate relationships and attract love. By placing it on the third eye, it will develop sensory faculties, particularly orientation. Allows wounds of the etheric body to be healed and, through this, those of the physical body. It is a stone that gives courage by connecting to telluric energy. Excellent connection with Mother Earth, whose magnetism it transmits. Allows greater and more fluid circulation of energies. Useful stone for healers and magnetizers, even for distance healing. A Magnetite in each hand for about 10 minutes would rebalance our polarity.
Maifanite was once worn as an amulet to bring good luck and health. Would allow you to keep a healthy mind for a long time and stay active. Stone of calm, it helps to find the meaning of life and the direction to follow. Restores the body’s energy balance, restores vitality. Protects sensitive people influenced by their environment or who work in difficult places.
Malachite can be used as an anchor stone, it will help determine the steps necessary to materialize our dreams, visions and desires. She will reveal the energetic and emotional limits in order to respect them and enforce them. Protective against the abuse of psychic, energetic and emotional power. Dispel the confusion that prevents you from making choices. Excellent ally for those who are afraid to use their creative power due to past experiences with an abusive person. Helps you express yourself freely, take the place that is rightfully yours, without fear of being seen or noticed. Protects the physical, energetic and emotional planes from the abuse of power. Purifies, activates and harmonizes the chakras, brings harmony, balances and opens the heart to unconditional Love.
Manganocalcite releases physical tensions linked to blocked emotions. Stone of forgiveness, it is linked to the heart chakra. Releases fear and sadness trapped in the heart, filling it with unconditional love. It dissolves blockages and regulates emotions. It will promote self-acceptance and dissolve resistance through its affectionate energy. She would make grumpy people lovable by offering them the affection they lack. Very soft stone of the heart chakra, spontaneity. Anti-stress, soothes, reassures. For emotional upheavals, restlessness. Nocturnal apprehension linked to anxiety.
Malacholle or Malachite Chrysocolla obviously has the properties of both stones. It harmonizes the heart and throat chakras, balances the emotional level, helps to release anxiety and stress. Improves communication with others and strengthens the power of persuasion. It is a very feminine energy stone. On the third eye, it will soothe the agitated mind. It brings peace and tranquility, tolerance and kindness. It has a detoxifying and regenerating power on all chakras and meridians.
Merlinite or Dendritic Opal or Dendritic Agate is a stone of choice for shamans, Wiccans, alchemists and all those who open themselves to the power of creation through the natural world. It is said that it attracts magic and luck to the wearer. It helps communicate with the spirits of nature, helping us refine our ability to receive messages from the spiritual and energetic realms. Gives the courage to face the gray areas and accept them. Promotes travel to the past and the future in order to harmonize present life. Allows you to accept that there are no mistakes, only learning experiences. Invites forgiveness, acceptance of what is and self-love. Helps to get to the heart of blockages, to find their origin and learn from them in order to be able to eliminate them.
Mokaite is a powerful protective stone. Restores self-confidence, bringing a feeling of security, allows you to dare to embark on new adventures, with confidence. Allows us to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. Balances Yin and Yang, purifies and cleanses the aura. Calms nervous people.
Moldavite cleanses energy channels and restores the harmonious circulation of terrestrial and cosmic energy. Increases the vibrational frequency of energy bodies. Useful for any conscious process of transformation. Strengthens the aura. Promotes clairvoyance and guides us on our spiritual path. Amplifier of thoughts, it promotes telepathy. Transcends time, placed on the third eye, facilitates time travel in order to access our past or future lives and see the consequences of our actions. Transformation, rapid spiritual evolution, chakra activation. Purification, protection, increased synchronization incidents.
Morganite is a soothing stone for emotional disorders, it helps soften harsh characters. Stone of love, which allows access to happiness with delicate power, attracts and retains love by promoting abundance in romantic feelings. Allows you to get through moments of crisis without too much difficulty. Helps to accept mourning and separations. Attracts love in life, both romantic and friendly relationships, it will inspire tenderness. Allows you to open up, in the case of conflicts, it will show the other person's way of seeing, in order to better understand the origin of the problem and find solutions. Open up to more respect, listening. Divine love and compassion, activates the heart chakra to release its own vibration of love and repair emotional suffering, anti-stress.
Mother-of-pearl carries a gentle and soothing energy, which helps to cope with responsibilities. Allows you to visualize your soul mate, promotes charm and contact with others. Brings to the soul a veil which softens the roughness, it opens to maternal virtues, protection, strength and femininity.
Nuumite is a powerful protective stone against negative energies emitted by people, shielding against electromagnetic energies. Allows you to open yourself to gifts, it is a stone of introspection. Stimulates in carrying out projects by giving more courage and determination. Helps us accept ourselves as we are and allows us to bring light into our dark areas. If combined with Larimar, it will purify the aura of all negative thought forms, astral entities that could have clung to it. Clarifies vision when it works on the third eye, associated with Chalcedony on the throat chakra, it will offer better speech. Stimulates memory and refines intuitions, reinforces the effects of Fluorite in all intellectual work. Opens the chakras while anchoring to the Earth.
Mahogany Obsidian or Mahogany Obsidian is less protective than black obsidian, but softer and more stabilizing, it is no less powerful. Recommended for people who have problems with a sense of reality and a sense of responsibility. It will gently bring the dissipated and the dreamers back to the real, material and concrete world. Protects people with bad intentions who send their negative thoughts. Helps stabilize changing moods, strengthens the aura, balances yin and yang, brings great serenity. Stone of link between life and the Source, it helps to dissolve old blockages. Brings strength, courage and determination. Liberation from inner limits, healing from the feeling of lack of merit. Develops introspection and intuition.
Silver Obsidian allows access to purity and humility during the search for truth, it frees us from outdated thoughts which are no longer accurate, which slow down evolution. Makes perceptions clearer and triggers blocked healing, allows the release of cellular memories due to trauma or injury. Intensifies meditation, stimulates patience, wisdom, connects the astral body to the physical body during astral travel, promotes intuition. Carrier of very spiritual, very gentle vibrations, it has a great power of purification of the being, necessary for spiritual evolution. Allows you to get rid of blockages. Allows us to overcome pride which can block evolution, we will also use it in problems of concentration, of understanding... wherever doubt prevents us.
Golden Obsidian activates the energy to ward off negative influences that come from oneself and the courage to reach the truth. It takes us out of futility or ego problems, by clearly showing us the path to take, it will serve as an energetic shield against all negative energy. Excellent stone of spirituality. We will happily use it to question the future or to seek answers deep within our being, it will allow us to highlight what is necessary to change. Healing abuse of power, activating the supreme will, enhancing manifestation.
Snowflake Obsidian or Star Obsidian symbolizes the starry night sky. Stone very balanced between the spiritual and the material, between yin and yang, it is a stone of impartiality. Used to be more sensitive to surrounding energies. Helps us to be more receptive to healing, whether in terms of energies or our attitude. It helps hypochondriacs by giving them a sense of reality and by refocusing the deviations of their somatizations. Allows us to find the courage and the will to improve our reality. Calm, appeasement, inner centering.
Ice Obsidian is a powerful cleanser of psychic pollution created in your aura, it is a powerful psychic protection stone. In the Middle Ages, it was thought to ward off demons. Excellent grounding stone that protects against negativity and stress.
Apache Tear Obsidian helps eliminate blockages that limit expression abilities, particularly through self-censorship. It eliminates inferiority complexes, the feeling of being a martyr, the feelings of bullying. Anchoring, protection, emotional purification. Control of emotions, help to understand a distressing situation to better accept it. Legend says that whoever wears it will cry no more. The First Nations of America have used it since the dawn of time to protect themselves from dark forces and free themselves from buried negative emotions. Allows anchoring and purification of the aura, definitively frees us from anger, resentment, blockages and opens us to forgiveness and compassion. It corresponds perfectly to any work of introspection. Stone of consolation, liberation, anchoring and protection.
Rainbow Obsidian is very effective in calming the feeling of fear. It will help us go deep within ourselves, explore our buried memories, reveal our ignored personality, masked by stifling parental authority, an overly strict education, conformism and the pressures of society and those around us. A very spiritual stone, it is the seat of all positive energies and powerfully radiates its protection. Promotes the elevation of the soul, access to divine light, it is the eye of the supreme spirit. Powerful stone of protection against psychic and occult attacks. Healing emotional wounds. Intense journey through darkness to reach light. It amplifies and strengthens the auric field of the wearer and allows them to be protected. In mediation, it allows you to be secure by creating a healthy environment. Thanks to its properties on the 3rd eye and crown chakras, it accentuates the abilities of clairvoyance and channeling. It is said to be the stone of clairvoyants and mediums. It is clearly not recommended for people suffering from depression.
Black Obsidian chases away illusions, myths and fantasies. It anchors deeply in the concrete while creating around the wearer a powerful protective shield which promotes their concentration during their meditative research. You will only meditate with obsidian when you are sure you want to know the truth, which can sometimes be traumatic and complicated to manage. Powerful shield against negative energies and influences, it is a very strong link with the Earth, which makes it an excellent anchoring stone. Allows you to move from the shadows towards the light of knowledge and truth. In the divinatory arts, it will be as effective as a rock crystal ball. Psychic protection, anchoring, against negative energies. Communication with the spirit.
Spider Obsidian or Spider Web Obsidian allows us to understand that only forgiveness is liberating and allows us access to higher dimensions. Allows you to be in the present moment, facilitates the integration of the high vibrations of the soul and the higher Self at the level of the physical body. It activates the entire energy network of the body and activates cellular healing, allows talents to emerge, develops feelings and highlights what we have to work on. Allows you to remove energy blockages. By raising awareness of emotions, it helps to undo and heal soul wounds or repressed unhappiness. Combined with a green or pink stone, the work of liberation will be done even more gently. Allows you to receive a flow of powerful and healing energies from the physical, psychic, spiritual and emotional levels. Useful for the therapist to scan and locate the areas to be treated.
Cat's Eye or Cymophane or Chrysoberyl is a protective stone, against the evil eye, it strengthens the aura. Attracts good fortune. Sharpens and accentuates our clairvoyance and intuition. Ideal for intellectual or artistic professions. It provides energy and will be ideal for athletes who must exert intense effort. Brings a relaxing atmosphere, happiness, serenity, luck. Stimulates intelligence with finesse. Allows you to find light in the darkness of complex situations.
Blue Tiger Eye (Hawk's Eye) improves the sense of observation, the precision of vision, with sustained attention. Opens the mind to new ideas, amplifies the sense of listening. Recommended for very conservative people, not very open-minded, psychorigid, anchored in their certainties, it will allow them to have a mind more open to novelty, and will bring a little fantasy. For grounding, healing earth energy, stimulates and invigorates physical bodies.
Iron Tiger Eye gives strength, audacity and energy. Suitable for tired, apathetic and sad people. It strengthens the energy field by bringing it in tune with that of the Earth. The strength it provides is not only physical, it also makes one emotionally stronger, making one feel more confident and competent in creating our reality. Stone which brings together the qualities of Red Jasper, Hematite and Tiger's Eye. Anchored, determined will, endurance, energy and physical strength.
Red Tiger Eye (Bull's Eye), just as protective as the Eye of the Tiger, the Eye of the Bull is more specifically used to acquire strength and courage, less passive than the Eye of the Tiger, but a little more aggressive. It develops confidence, courage and the ability to honor one's word. Stone that energizes in depth. Develops the survival instinct, encourages entrepreneurship, regulates male sexual disorders. Develops motivation, strength, courage, sociability, fights against loneliness.
Tiger's Eye, its protective role, will act as a shield reflecting negative energies towards its transmitter, allowing the latter to become aware of what it is sending. Drives out negative waves from the home, when it is placed above the front door. Gives energy and dynamism. Offers great strength of character, increases self-confidence, gives more autonomy and freedom of thought. It allows more mental flexibility and will guarantee the evolution of thought. Stone of protection, anchoring, balance between extremes, aids in discernment, brings strength, vitality, practicality, fairness, self-confidence.
Black Onyx gives a sense of responsibility, helps control the will, offers great driving stability. It teaches how to use your power well and concentrate energy into positive force. Stimulates the energy between the feet and the first chakra, especially for people who have difficulty grounding themselves or eliminating excess energy. Be careful not to wear it for too long, it could cause sadness, fear, boredom and gloom. Not recommended for pregnant women. Rooting stone, it will protect from negative external influences and energies. Brings discipline and inner strength.
Green Onyx is a stone that allows you to let go, helps you avoid taking control of things. Promotes acceptance of experiences as they are. Excellent grounding stone that provides strength and courage. Acts as mental support in all situations, good or bad.
White Opal plays a role in purifying the energy field, by cleansing and rebalancing the chakras of the etheric body and establishes a link between them and the physical. It anchors light in the aura, improves psychic information. Brings optimism and emotional calming.
Blue Opal is said to have a calming and soothing effect, stimulate thinking, promote sleep and refine intuition. Helps you express yourself more gently by providing a more coherent and reasoned speech. Reveals hidden qualities, encourages confidence to embrace who you are. Would dissolve energy blockages, fears and restore a good circulation of energies allowing an awakening of consciousness, letting go and an increase in vibrational frequency.
Pink Andean Opal is a superb emotional healing stone, especially when held unconsciously. Sleeping with a Pink Opal or holding it during a regression can help us resolve painful residues with gentleness and compassion towards ourselves. It brings peace to the heart, it is anti-stress. Excellent for diet and children who have nightmares.
Fire Opal carries the frequency of ecstasy. It activates kundalini energy and raises it up the spine to reflect it in each chakra. Stimulates the creation and expression of emotions through art, also stimulates chi and the endocrine system. Balances yin and yang. Passion, creativity, physical and sexual energy. Fights against shyness and fears, brings confidence and optimism.
Opalite is beneficial for those who have difficulty sleeping or who often have nightmares. Better self-esteem. Its gentle energies bring balance and help stabilize and manage your emotions to avoid mood swings. These calming vibrations promote meditation. In love, it helps you to be more invested in a relationship, encourages loyalty to your partner, and to be more romantic and honest. Provides a feeling of peace and inner well-being and can significantly reduce fears and anxieties. Recommended for people who have communication difficulties because it will help them find the strength to express themselves and say honestly the things that are on their hearts.
Peridot, its vibration gives an impression of warmth and inner well-being. Helps harmonize the third and fourth chakras, resulting in the activation of love and will. Gives the courage to act according to our heart's desire and helps us to be open to generosity towards others. Stone of financial and spiritual abundance, helps attract and create our most important visions. It is a tool to help bring the physical dimension of reality into alignment with our inner truth regarding luck, abundance, success in our projects and having access to success. Stone of communication and animal healing. Helps clear blockages and teaches us to receive with grace and gratitude. To support us during the big changes in our lives. Promotes all types of clairvoyance. Increase, prosperity, well-being, anti-fatigue, against depression, helps with detoxification.
Pearl is very soft and pure, it reveals our faults to correct them. It helps with spiritual development. Allows access to the mental body, reduces anxiety and encourages initiative. It encourages people to spontaneously assume their responsibilities.
Petalite allows a balance between the ego, the mind and centered consciousness, it is an excellent meditation support. Helps open the third eye and crown chakra. Soothes and heals the emotional body, excellent for emotional trauma, particularly in the perpetrator/victim pattern. Ideal protection stone for children who are rebuilding after having suffered violence. Allows you to imbue yourself with a vibration of gentle self-acceptance and self-love. Can be used to manage anxiety, worry, excessive stress or any other case needing to balance the ego/spirit duo. It allows consciousness to rise easily and gently.
Phosphosiderite is a stone of discernment which will greatly help in cases of burn-out or severe overwork. Helps fight stress, overwork and the feeling of exhaustion. Allows you to regain confidence and helps you discern right and wrong, good and bad thoughts. Brings stability and allows you to work on yourself by overcoming your past without suffering it. Brings joy, helps to avoid falling into melodrama and to get out of bad mood, anger or negative thoughts, hidden fears often stemming from childhood. It would improve the time it takes to fall asleep and the quality of sleep, allowing vital energy to circulate better in our physical body. It is a stone of healing and hope, it is very spiritual, opens all the chakras and subtle bodies in order to assimilate divine energy. Placed on the 3rd eye, it allows us to work on our past lives, work on previous lives or consult the Akashic archives.
Lava Stone provides strength, protection, anchoring, stability during changes. Helps with self-knowledge and managing anger. Symbol of vital energy (kundalini), it acts on the unconscious problems of our karma. Stimulates and strengthens our spiritual purpose and encourages exploring the unknown by opening our horizons.
Moonstone is the stone of childhood candor, virtuous without artifice or malice, spontaneous and naturally good. Contributes to marital happiness, regulates the emotions of cold lovers. Stimulates the imagination, brings poetry, gentleness and sensitivity. Helps you make decisions, it cuts through hesitation with firmness and accuracy, and develops intuition. Favorable to open-mindedness, it reduces the fear of others and calms irrational fears, bringing gentleness and tolerance to harsh and severe people. Yin energy stone, it stimulates the good feminine sides in men to compensate for the bad masculine sides. Stone of femininity, gentle, it develops intuition, perception, patience, objectivity. Mystery, self-discovery, insight, dreams, creativity
Fairy Stone (Kinojévis Fairy Stone) It is said that the Fairy Stones have a feminine energy which would allow them to communicate with the fairies, and that they would have the power to grant wishes! This stone allows you to be in touch with the Goddess in you and to develop so-called “feminine” qualities. It chases away bad energies when placed in the house. It is a stone of luck and prosperity. Giving someone a Fairy Stone is a testimony of sincere feelings, whether romantic or friendly.
Unicorn Stone is a recent discovery from Madagascar, it is a resonant Pegmatite composed of:
-Lepidolite - Calming stone with natural lithium inclusions that helps with anxiety, insomnia, fear or polarized emotions
-Pink Tourmaline - Stone of love, compassion, emotional healing, empathy, humanitarianism and self-love
-Smoky Quartz – stabilizing, smoky quartz is a natural filter for dense, frightening or negatively perceived energy.
-Cleavelandite– helps one stay present in the moment and feel safe in difficult circumstances or times of profound change.
Altogether, this powerful yet gentle combination supports moments of challenge, endurance, and emotional healing. Bringing calm, stillness, joy, empathy, positivity and safety, helps to breathe deeply to release pent-up fear, anxiety and tension that we may be holding on to, then continue to move forward with our hearts. open to what the world brings us.
Sunstone gives invigorating energy to both men and women. Solar stone, she carries energies of joy, cheerfulness, it is a stone of friendship and encounter, brings a lot of charisma. Diffuses vitality, good humor and optimism at the solar plexus level. Helps you feel good in your body, disinhibits and chases away complexes. Activates the lazy, the apathetic, the procrastinators thanks to its ability to bring them out of their shell. Helps manifest our desires into reality. Spirit of command, benevolence, strength, illuminated masculine energy.
Pietersite is a stone of spiritual activation, which allows us to find the direction to take to progress when we encounter blockages. Activates the chakras, allowing a greater amount of energy into the body and magnetic field. Activates the base chakra, giving the determination to act to change what needs to be changed in our lives. Gives strength and energy to the physical body, stimulates and strengthens the nervous system. Offers better mental vision and highlights the best options, allowing you to take action without hesitation.
Pinolite is a powerful calming stone, very connected with the energies of the Earth and the sky. Filled with the energy of peace and love, allowing it to soften inner violence and open up to others. Soothes anger by releasing tensions in the mind and body, stabilizes emotions, allowing access to inner peace. Stone of energy and strength in the case of great fatigue. It allows us to take charge of our lives, giving us the motivation to realize our ideas. It is the stone of Yin/Yang balance.
Prasiolite or Green Amethyst helps to anchor oneself to the Earth and encourages one to awaken to the spirit. Allows you to tune into the frequency of love, which is the basis of all spirituality and the means by which it is shared. Encourages compassion, self-acceptance and respect. Remember that sharing is the most important spiritual gesture, opening to the vibration of love.
Prehnite is a structuring stone, allows you to give meaning and bring order to careless people, allows you to implement methods to achieve objectives. Helps to have clear ideas. Calm, gentle, helps cleanse the ego of old hurt memories. Inner peace, union of heart and will, communication with non-physical beings.
Psilomelane is a stone of anchoring and protection, reactivates energies, acts a bit like a battery, reharmonizes and stabilizes the body and mind when necessary. Symbolizes duality, luck. Helps to attract positive things in life, especially when we have the feeling of being abandoned or seeing things falling apart around us. Helps to correct behaviors that we no longer want, in this case, the work will be done on the sacred and solar chakras. In meditation, it facilitates trance states. Useful during menopause to reduce hot flashes.
Purpurite is a relatively rare stone, which wards off anxieties, dissipates nervousness, relieves stress, bringing a feeling of well-being. It represents freedom, elevates our state of consciousness and awakens our spirituality, even more so when placed on the crown chakra. It also rids us of the fear of acting, helps to free ourselves from a sometimes heavy past, which prevents us from moving forward. Helps you face the future with ease and serenity, even when it seems uncertain. Helps you communicate with confidence, you gain eloquence. It is one of the strongest and purest stones of the violet ray (sacred ray of transmutation, freedom and energetic elevation). It purifies the energy fields and cleanses the auric field. Offers psychic protection and pushes “Light energy” to penetrate the entire being, in order to facilitate spiritual healing, parasitic entities are kept away. Finally, this stone allows you to become fully aware of your abilities and your power, and to use them for honorable purposes, for the good of all.
Pyrite is extremely concrete and rigorous. Would reframe the mind, help and give a sense of organization. Alliance of metal and fire, it would be a source of vitality, transmitting inexhaustible energy to its holder. Source of anchor, helps to concentrate on the present moment and to ignore parasitic thoughts, regrets and anxieties. Enables productive and efficient work. Would stimulate the intellectual faculties. Stone of manifestation, action, vitality, will, creativity, assurance. Protects the etheric and physical bodies, blocks negative energy pollution.
Angel Aura Quartz is a gentle, loving, high vibration crystal. Bears the same properties as the Rock Crystal which is its base. It then achieves its added glow through a unique alchemical process, so phenomenal that it literally binds gold, silver, platinum or other materials onto pure quartz to form intense healing energy. Rock Crystal is known as the "master healer" and is extremely powerful in absorbing, storing, releasing and regulating energy. The most versatile healing stone of all crystals. Deep purifier in the case of limiting beliefs. Allows you to reach new heights of perception. Balances all your chakras and body systems. Makes you feel an intoxicating rush of joyful and rejuvenating energy upon contact. Helps when feeling emotionally unstable or distressed. Very intense and strong energy that cleanses and stimulates the aura, balances all chakras, integrating the body of light into the physical dimension.
Aqua Aura Quartz stimulates our connections with higher vibrations. Makes our inner beauty shine, attracts wealth and success, develops esoteric wisdom, teaches us to listen to ourselves. Calms the emotions by creating an aura of peace and well-being, very useful in the case of depression, anxiety attacks, allows us to witness our emotional states without identifying with them. Used in meditation, it opens a door to the Angelic Kingdom and stimulates our links with higher vibrations, facilitates channeling and multidimensional connections in general. Applied to the throat chakra, it allows sincere communication. Releases negative energies from the auric field, bringing peace and stress relief. Comforting, it releases chaotic and stressful patterns, brings comfort and emotional healing. Great protective power, it eliminates negativity, protects against psychic and psychological attacks. Any attempted energetic attack will be transformed into benevolent energy. Appeasement, relaxation, relationships with the spiritual realms, improved communication, psychic protection. A very powerful tool against stress, it has extraordinary energy, it cleanses the aura by expelling negative areas from the different etheric bodies.
Blue Quartz develops the ability to communicate. Protector of the electromagnetic field of telluric origin. Reduces sadness, is a good tool in the case of depression. Also acts on boredom and procrastination. Restores energy and encourages physical and cerebral activity. Develops autonomy and spontaneity.
Clear Quartz is an energy amplifier of other minerals, it can be programmed, it is a transmitter, receiver and amplifier. It would improve memory, ideas and thoughts, emotions. Allows you to reach a high level of meditation quickly. Healing and expansion of emotions. It strengthens and develops the energy level of the body. Develops psychic faculties such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy... Stone of light and purity, it is used to amplify one's own powers and one's own energy, one's own light. It accompanies and plays a role of purifier of the aura.
Lemon Quartz helps channel energies, and leads to balance and happiness, it is said to be a magnet for success. Develops mediumistic faculties. Yellow Quartz can help you behave wiser and more humble by encouraging you to demonstrate modesty. Helps control thoughts in order to have clear ideas.
Smoky Quartz or Quartz Morion is a spiritual anchor stone, it helps us receive high vibration energies. Purifying and protective, aligns the physical body with light frequencies. Helps to accept one's reincarnation, to feel more engaged and to change our reality. Help with major changes in our lives, organize, structure. Transmutation of negative energies, helps to have a practical mind, to be organized, autonomous, to gain self-confidence, affirms will. Helps with the manifestation of dreams and inspirations.
Hematoid Quartz also known as Fire Quartz (red) or Golden Healer (yellow). It brings balance and stability at the same time. An excellent energy catalyst, it helps to gain vitality and amplify the vibrations of other nearby crystals. Helps you gain more control over your energy, it eliminates anxiety, mental distractions, fear, doubt. Recommended for people who have concentration problems as well as people who regularly have panic attacks. Reminds us of our authentic power. Encourages full alignment with our highest path. The self-esteem that it encourages will allow us to move in the best direction of our life path. Very good protector which helps eliminate negative energies nearby. Bringing clarity of mind and psychic understanding, it instills optimism, faith in the future as well as inner strength. Spreads positive waves that help maintain great emotional stability as well as a powerful anchor to the Earth.
Herkimer Diamond Quartz aids in astral travel, time travel, dimensional travel and other expanded reality explorations. Great purifier of the energy field. Helps to clear the emotional body. Healer by increasing the amount of energy and light in the body. Dreams, visions, purification, spiritualization of physical existence.
Milky Quartz helps manage the emotions of sensitive people. Helps find the causes of certain problems. Their white and sometimes frosty appearance can help you see the world differently, in a much more optimistic way, allowing you to adopt a more positive mind. Activates the crown chakra, and facilitates connection with your inner self. Dispels negative emotions and thoughts. Allows you to have a more positive outlook on the future. Milky Quartz helps achieve deep meditative states. It is a stone which has the same properties as Rock Crystal, but which acts more gently.
Lemurian Quartz is a powerful amplifier of beneficial energy. It can help in the process of opening the heart. Used to facilitate particular passages and transformations in life, it stimulates the creativity necessary to accomplish these transitions. Facilitates the cleansing of periods of darkness by bringing great illumination from within. Brings back the purity of intentions and the self-confidence to achieve them. It is above all a powerful energy catalyst that is used in the spiritual healing of the soul and body. Lemurian Quartz carries the energies of Mother Earth, it is a crystal of manifestation. It is used to facilitate astral travel or help visualize past lives, it also provides access to spiritual healing of deep wounds. In feng-shui, it corrects certain energetic disturbances in the environment.
Rose Quartz is a gentle, yet powerful spiritual ally. It brings awareness of love to the heart, helps one find healing and enlightenment. Calms the mind by letting go of worry, fear, anxiety and emotional trauma. Cleanse patterns managed by the ego, helps to feel more capable of receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness. Soft stone, used to stabilize the physical heart after trauma, stress, bringing it higher vibrations of love. Manifestation of love, tenderness, gentleness. Self-confidence, serenity, hope, emotional healing (shock), union with the divine, creativity. Anti-stress, helps with insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, aggression, helps with bereavement, sexual difficulties.
Rutile Quartz permeates our field with energy and light. Helps maintain stable, sincere and peaceful romantic relationships. Rutile quartz helps overcome shyness, offering more frankness and sincerity, but also self-confidence and independence. It is capable of bringing back good humor and joy of life and helps to manage emotions and soothe conflicts. Programmable for attuning, amplifying, expanding consciousness, accelerating and anchoring manifestation. Harmonization, brings out repressed feelings to free oneself from them, acceptance.
Tourmaline Quartz is a Quartz with Tourmaline inclusion and is particularly recommended for people working with electronic or electrical instruments, Black Tourmaline is a great protector of electromagnetic waves. This quartz is remarkable for filling the auric holes of the etheric body, it is also used for protection because it strengthens our energy shield. Purification and emotional healing in difficult times and/or following negative influences. Anchoring aid.
Que Sera Stone or Lianite helps make more informed decisions. Its vibrational frequency connects to all chakras to cleanse and activate them. Adjusts the energy field to achieve harmony and well-being. Connects to higher dimensions raising consciousness. Balances the meridians and organs of the subtle and physical bodies. Helps those who don't know how to say no to express their limits. Harmonizes with the Akhashic records of our soul's purpose by encouraging us to take the path most appropriate to our evolution.
Rhodizite is also called the master crystal. It is a truly positive energy crystal that does not need to be cleansed, cleansed or charged. Allows you to access and process the information necessary to make astral travel possible. Very powerful when it comes to unlocking or removing blockages. Activates all chakras in the body. Amplifies thoughts, actions, words and emotions, as well as environmental vibrations. These crystals are very small, and vibrate with surprising intensity and power. Stimulates the solar plexus chakra, increases willpower and manifestation. Stimulates psychic abilities. Can be used in past life regression to process lessons learned in other lives. Known for its ability to amplify the energies of other stones. Increases self-confidence and the ability to manifest our will. Creates a powerful electromagnetic field, which is also a field of attraction.
Rhodochrosite develops creativity and expression. It helps to align with the frequency of love. It helps heal the inner child, especially when there has been deep emotional trauma blocking our expression of joy and creativity. It soothes anxiety and stress, reduces anger, emotional healing, self-love, compassion, inner serenity, rebalances and brings energy. Recovery of lost memories and forgotten donations. Against the jealousy of others.
Rhodonite helps to achieve one's goals by revealing aptitudes, gifts and abilities. It develops self-esteem. Discovery and development of hidden talents. Compassion, love, generosity, altruism. Balancing, protective and restorative stone. It calms stress, especially during exams, and overflowing emotions, regulates and activates the heart chakra. Would protect against the negative, the jealousy of others, aggression, harmful or excessive romantic relationships and would allow you to face the ups and downs of life with serenity. Guide to open-mindedness, opening to listening to others, tolerance and forgiveness. Would help to reconcile with others, and especially with yourself. Stone of love and forgiveness, interesting for couples who want to improve their relationship and strengthen trust. Would allow you to overcome emotional trauma or destructive behaviors linked to the past. Lets you understand that resentment and revenge are destructive feelings. Would help to release blockages and anger linked to the past which would have been internalized and would cause us to suffer on a daily basis. To summarize, Rhodonite helps resolve conflicts, heal emotional wounds and communicate constructively in order to get out of a relational impasse.
Rubellite (see Pink Tourmaline)
Ruby allows us to become aware of the physical dimension and pleasures. Teaches lessons for mastering the transformation of thought and intention into physical manifestation. Allows you to eliminate the physical imprint of emotional trauma or physical violence archived in the cells. Commit to being kind towards the physical body and existence. It is a healing stone of the first and second chakra, restores the circulation of energies in the feet and legs. Dynamism, vital force, courage, passion, enthusiasm, audacity. Increases blood pressure, do not wear it for too long in case of tachycardia, hypertension.
Ruby on Fuchsite is a stone of calming, it allows people who have been injured, who need to feel protected, to open their hearts. It reabsorbs blockages in the heart chakra and replaces the emotions linked to it with an energy of Love. Ruby Fuchsite restores self-confidence and encourages creativity. It protects against manipulation and malicious spirits, blackmail and emotional dependence, helps to escape victimization, even in connection with past lives. Brings strength to emerge from conflicting climates. Useful in meditation because it improves multidimensional connections. Brings great vitality, relieves and allows faster recovery in the case of chronic or long-term illness.
Ruby Zoisite is a stone of love and advancement, it relieves sorrow and anger, allowing powerful emotional healing. It helps repair a broken heart following a breakup or bereavement. It allows you to open the heart, fill it with love and allow it to receive tenderness. Ruby Zoisite helps transform despair and discouragement into a positive and constructive attitude, it gives the strength to live, encourages positive and creative thinking, gives energy to the mind. It brings emotional stability, increases inner and outer development, awakens the true Self. Joyful commitment to life, increase in life force, healing.
Rudraksha is favorable for maintaining physical and moral balance. It helps to find the right path, thus facilitating evolution. Brings peace of mind, clarity and intuition. It removes negativity and obstacles, thereby paving the path to success. Harmonizes vital energies. It is also a symbol of truth, trust and creativity. Helps transform negative patterns. Increases concentration and understanding. Encourages energies of balance and self-control.
Dragon Blood connects deeply to the energy of the Earth and supports projects, strengthens to help move forward by being more authentic. It awakens the Kundalini, allows anchoring to nature, improves vital force, courage and will. It is a stone that helps one open oneself to joy, it leads one towards one's goals, restores energy to one's mind, and allows one to adapt with ease to new situations. Cleanses the aura by chasing away old emotions, it allows you to see yourself as you are. Soothes sadness, overcomes regrets, self-pity and resentment. Brings patience and allows access to rest. It is a stone of strength and balance.
Sapphire is a symbol of strength of mind, it provides good learning capacity, helps to open up to higher levels of consciousness, promoting better self-knowledge. Stimulates the third eye chakra and crown chakra, intensifying paranormal abilities and psychic visions. Helps you to be more sure of yourself and therefore less easily influenced. Significant spiritual development. Stone of wisdom, soothes the mind, aligns the physical, mental and spiritual plane, restores physical balance. Resolves emotional blockages, promotes the creation of lasting bonds. Stimulates concentration, brings prosperity.
Sardonyx connects the energies of the base chakra and the sacral chakra. It reassures and comforts (base chakra = I Exist, I Am) in connection with sensations, emotions. Powerful stone of protection, it brings stability and happiness within the couple, helps to find romantic balance. It has the power to transform negative emotions, its energies make you joyful and optimistic, providing communicative joy. Refines and clarifies perceptions, discernment and intuition, opens to compassion. A stone of personal development, it is suitable for any conscious approach. Stabilizes emotionally and develops self-confidence, helps to be sincere.
Scolecite gently awakens us to our true nature, beyond the physical plane. It has a gentle and peaceful energy, brings calm and peace. It acts on the heart, even when it has been very damaged by immense trauma and suffering. It soothes stress, relieves sadness, fear and anxiety, allows access to forgiveness by letting go of the painful past, whether one is a victim or an executioner. Scolecite helps to rise vibrationally, it allows you to break away from people or situations that will no longer be in agreement. It gives the energy necessary for change and questioning, useful for no longer being attached to the mind and achieving awakening.
Selenite clears etheric blockages, allowing a more fluid flow of energy through the etheric chakras, facilitating the relationship with the Higher Self. It stimulates the emotional and pushes us to progress, it helps us to leave our comfort zone by moving away from the impression of "comfort" and "security". It increases the density of the energy field, stimulating physical healing. Spiritual activation and development. Communication with the Higher Self, spirit guides and angels. Concentration, open-mindedness, telepathy, gentleness, help with sleep.
Seraphinite promotes angelic and devic communication, helps with physical, mental and spiritual healing. It helps to release old, outdated emotional energies, it brings joyful and luminous energy to the emotional and stimulates energy, allows one to respond emotionally in a balanced and harmonious way. Develops compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, angelic relationship. Self-healing, regeneration, accomplishment, powerful healing stone.
Serpentine helps you find your place in life by exploring the deep history of the Earth, it improves communication with nature, animals, minerals and the Earth. Helps with the rise of Kundalini. Soothes emotions, releases fear of changes and trials that could be linked to them, allows you to look at the future with positivity and desire. Anchor stone, useful in meditation, recovers memories of past lives.
Shiva Lingam allows us to understand that what we perceive as opposites is in fact only the different expression of a whole (feminine/masculine, light/darkness, good/evil, etc.). It will help to unite all the parts that form the Self, to accept the differences of others. It allows us to overcome judgment by feeling unity. It stimulates energy systems, supports general energy healing. It is recommended to strengthen and balance the entire body. Spiritual transformation and rebirth, enlightenment, unity with all. Fills leaks in the etheric body, increases the vibration rate of a room and brings serenity. Rising Kundalini, vitality, prana.
Shungite provides a deep anchor to the Earth, aligns our energetic bodies and optimizes the functioning of our chakras. Effectively protects against all negative energies. Activates energy circulation for a boost of energy, harmonizes the environment and protects against harmful radiation. Densifies the energetic body. Acts as a powerful shield against harmful electromagnetic radiation and esoteric negative influences. It is used in the industrial sector for energy shielding. It will be of great help in all the imbalances generated by modern life.
Smithsonite, serene, soft and calm, Smithsonite is a particularly soothing and joyful stone which helps with self-confidence, soothes anxieties, invites you to respect yourself and promotes the expression of your feelings. Smithsonite is particularly recognized for its ability to strengthen the immune system.
Sodalite helps to find one's way, it is an indicator in the personal journey, helps with spiritual growth, without developing the ego. Invites you to be detached from everyday concerns, reduces stress and anxiety by approaching life in a more serene and holistic way. Provides self-confidence, reassuring in the face of stressful situations, against insomnia. Develops pre-science. Gives access to the subconscious and intuitive gifts. Clarifies the mind, amplifies logical sense, mental prowess, increased insight and intuition, artistic talent. The animals will appreciate it close to their resting place.
Soul Crystal is a symbol of pure energy from the source, it helps to restore order to the energetic level of people. Like the Rock Crystal, it can be charged with a specific intention. The Soul Crystal is a fairly rare form of crystallization and is highly sought after for its capacity for centering and energetic irrigation at the level of all the chakras where it is capable of diffusing a large quantity of energy, thus helping to open the these energy centers that are the chakras. It is of precious help in spiritual elevation.
Black Spinel allows you to let go of the past, to free yourself from it in order to move towards the future without this weight. It is an anchoring stone that balances vital energy and purifies it. It also has a strong protective role which returns the negative to its origin. It helps people who are attached to things or emotions from the past to let go and regain energy and clarity of mind. It alleviates negative thoughts and anger, reminding us that life is a gift. It also helps in the grieving process, for people who cannot “get over it”, those who believe that past emotional trauma governs their lives. It reduces fatigue and replenishes your energy. Black spinel is said to attract money and abundance.
Spinel Matrix is the protective stone par excellence. It serves as a shield and pushes the forces of evil back into the darkness from which they came. It is useful in cases of black magic and keeps negative waves away from the environment. It expands the amplitude of the aura and makes it less vulnerable to attacks. It gives inspiration and strength to face life's challenges and overcome obstacles. It provides better anchoring for dreamers and helps boost people in a situation of exhaustion. In love, it extends the lifespan of a couple and strengthens fidelity. Spinel Matrix increases physical strength and promotes longevity. It balances vital energy and removes energy blockages.
Staurotide is a stone of protection of places and helps to reduce stress and addictions. Thanks to its power to eliminate negative waves, it allows better concentration. It can be used on oneself, or placed in a place so that it acts as a shield against curses, entities from the lower astral, bad spells. It allows you to be energetically aligned by acting on each chakra. It benefits from a gentle and powerful energy. It is ideal for people who do not know how to "sit down" or take time out. It will help you sort out your life in order to address the change necessary for evolution. We will also use it as a good luck charm.
Stichtite activates the third eye chakra and the crown chakra, it connects to angels and guides. It is a stone of love and unity, it helps to dare to ask for help when it is necessary and provides a feeling of compassion for those who need help. It protects against the negativity that emanates from those around you and develops a feeling of compassion towards them. It is a stone of spiritual development, it helps the lower chakras to free themselves from limiting programs. It brings awareness of old emotions from the past, gently, it heals the inner child. It helps to be more in the present moment, to get rid of old memories, guilt, soothes our fears, anxieties and sorrows. It is capable of bringing great comfort when you feel alone, especially after a breakup or bereavement.
Stilbite soothes and calms stress. It encourages concrete action through subtle intuitive thoughts. Soothes the mind, allowing you to focus on the tasks of the moment. Allows us to make choices, make decisions, achieve our dreams and desires. Organizes confused minds, encourages people to take charge of their lives, helps overcome fears of not succeeding and/or making the wrong choices.
Sugilite makes us imagine something different from what we experience, with optimism and hope for the future. Helps repel negativity by filling the aura with energy and light. It brings hope when you feel like you have no choice, of being crushed in your life, restores confidence, brings peace of mind and relieves worries. Fight against nightmares, insomnia and other sleep imbalances. Brings protection and spiritual purification, evolution into a “guide of light”, opens the chakras for the rise of Kundalini. Allows you to understand incarnation in matter and alleviates negative feelings, ideal for meditation.
Black Tektite is an excellent stone for physical protection, especially during travel, when we go on adventures, to discover new lands. Allows you to find your way, expands your consciousness, helps to go beyond the limits of time and space, allowing you to experience other worlds. Expands the aura and releases energetic debris, allowing you to be more receptive, stimulates intuition and helps dissipate unconscious blockages. Allows you to look at life objectively. Promotes grounding while raising awareness.
Tektite allows us to expand consciousness, helps to overcome the limits of time and space during psychic journeys, allows us to experience other worlds than the one we know. Helps the physical body integrate high frequency energies, enabling vibrational evolution. Expands the aura, rejects energetic debris, allows better energy circulation. Develops intuition, dissolves unconscious emotional blockages, increases vibration rate. Allows you to have an objective point of view on emotional reactions, protects against fears when these are generated by excess worry. Dissipates emotional burden, helps to let go of what is not essential. It stimulates the third eye and the crown chakra, it is a stone charged with cosmic energy. It helps on the path to knowledge.
Terahertz is a mineral with special power, it vibrates approximately 1 billion times per second. The Terahertz stone was created by Japanese scientists to protect the body against electromagnetic smoke (electro smog) and harmful radiation. This stone is believed to be a powerful healing stone, believed to energize the body's internal energy. This would be extremely beneficial for those who would like to overcome a lack of energy. Also known as the “radiation of life,” the Terahertz stone is one of the rare stones on the market.
Thulite learns joy and that the difficulties encountered are only ephemeral. Helps find the path by opening the heart to unconditional love and joy. Allows you to no longer identify with problems and soothes those who have a tendency to make a mountain of small things. Excellent for those who live stuck in fear and negativity. Heart chakra and solar plexus chakra healing stone. It has a strong power to increase energy flows through the chakras. It promotes seduction, charisma and helps develop passion around the person who wears it. Helps to structure ideas, combines logic with love, it will allow you to have good expression.
Blue Topaz is a soothing stone that reduces anxiety, often a source of sleep disorders. It reduces insomnia and improves the quality of sleep. It would be particularly beneficial to people exercising an intellectual or artistic activity. Would bring inspiration, clarity of mind and avoid rigidity and preconceived ideas. Invites us to be faithful and honest, to be good and honest with others. If one has to speak in public, blue topaz would protect against voice and throat problems in general. It is also associated with the throat chakra, and this is where the stone should be placed for 20 minutes before giving a speech or singing. Blue topaz is also believed to have beneficial properties to combat depression, anxiety and stress. It would reduce phases of bad mood and strengthen confidence.
Imperial Topaz or Golden Topaz is a powerful stone of manifestation, it teaches to center intentions and desires. Allows you to understand emotional boundaries and respect sacred space, for yourself and others. Manifestation of personal intention, will and desires, promotes the awakening of spiritual consciousness. Stimulates intellectual acuity and creativity. Reduces insomnia, repairs emotional and nervous shocks due to a romantic relationship.
Mystic Topaz is a natural stone covered in titanium and lightly heated to raise its vibration rate allowing multidimensional access. It soothes and aligns the body's meridians, and recharges them with energy. Fights against all forms of stress and relieves insomnia, calms heartburn and relieves liver diseases. Would protect the lungs from the harmful effects of cigarettes. Would attract luck and fortune. Stimulates intuition and intelligence, opens the heart chakra. Ward off the evil eye and chase away evil spirits.
Blue Tourmaline or Indicolite allows you to align your mind with divine energy in order to interrupt the hyperactivity of consciousness and develop it. Useful for spiritual growth and healing, helping us understand the origins of emotional imbalances or wounds. Higher consciousness, stimulates creativity, communication. Removes the negativity in us, soothes our resentments.
Watermelon Tourmaline is wonderful for expanding heart awareness, generating a powerful energy field of love and compassion that can heal on all levels. Calms drama and crises by directing a flow of energy towards the heart. Perfect for anyone who needs to center themselves and find peace and calm. Calm, joy, treats emotional wounds, antidepressant.
Multicolored Tourmaline has a protective energy that alleviates fears and prevents anxiety attacks. Even more, Tourmaline invites introspection in order to treat buried emotional wounds. It is also known for its ability to calm the fog of thoughts, thus chasing away negative thoughts. It promotes spiritual elevation and connection to the Angelic domain. It is a good choice to begin work on developing extrasensory abilities.
Black Tourmaline or Schorl helps to let go of obsessive behaviors compulsive, anxiety and worry. It provides anchoring so that light enters the terrestrial plane. Against electromagnetic pollution, anchoring, purification, protection, including during meditations. Acceptance and self-love, self-healing, orientation from the shadow to consciousness.
Pink Tourmaline or Rubellite is a powerful stone for relieving stress and all emotional imbalances, it balances and purifies. Very effective on problems of hyperactivity or lack of sleep. Heals and soothes the emotional heart. Alignment of the individual and universal heart, love, promotes the exteriorization of our feelings. Anxiety, shock, emotional conflict, mourning.
Green Tourmaline or Verdelite is perfect for channeling the healing power of nature, it brings the energies of the Earth as it opens the heart, it stimulates the connection with divine love. It bathes us in an invigorating energy of growth and expansion, helps us to be less inhibited, more expressive, to be less afraid of change and to have a calmer attitude in our habits. Vibrational healing of the heart, strength, vitality, accomplishment, restores vitality during chronic fatigue.
Tremolite allows you to regain mental and physical health, regain confidence, regain self-esteem and combat negative external and internal waves. Helps you make the right decisions even if the dilemma is important. Recommended when you want to take a new direction in your life. It strengthens judgment and discernment skills. Calms anxieties and fears, soothes and brings serenity. Helps to better manage emotions and keep a positive outlook on events.
Turquénite or Turkenite is a stone of communication for couples, it allows understanding and dialogue. Attracts humor in the couple. It is a stone that is not found in nature, it is a Howlite tinted blue by electrolysis, so avoid soaking it. The blue color gives it a protective virtue, it will help achieve victory and success. It has a relaxing effect, promotes love and restores broken relationships, protects from the evil eye and wards off bad mood. Attracts luck, health and triumph. It releases negative energies, it brings peace, serenity and courage.
Turquoise represents wisdom learned from life experiences, it is an ally teaching that all experiences are right. It reminds us that accomplishment is only effective when we are ready to welcome the whole of our being as well as what we have learned on Earth. It is a stone of self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and abandonment of sterile regrets. Encourages us to honor ourselves as part of the divine. It oxygenates the blood and increases the amount of physical energy.
African Turquoise promotes stability and psychological balance, allows you to have more self-confidence. It encourages inner calm and helps the shy to express themselves better in public and to move forward. This stone is also called the stone of evolution, because it opens the mind to the possibilities of our life. Its virtues help us to accept changes and choose the best path in life. It is a stone that brings optimism. Allows us to accept ourselves as we are and distinguish good from evil. It strengthens our ability to listen to others. It calms angry people and protects the body and mind.
Turquoise Mohave Pourpre, whether coppery or not, is a real turquoise, which has been tinted on the surface and enhanced with copper at the level of the veins. It connects the Crown Chakra to the Heart Chakra, in order to connect cosmic and spiritual energy to the flesh and the heart. Stone to regain control of your emotions, it is a balancing stone.
Ulexite transfers the image on which it is placed. It allows us to take a step back from the emotional wounds of the past and learn from them. It helps free oneself from guilt. Ulexite will be very useful in telepathy because it helps with the projection of thoughts. It will also help us see people as they are.
Unakite (See Unakite Jasper)
Libyan Glass This glass is only found in the Libyan desert and was created by exposing the sand to extreme temperatures, probably due to a meteorite. This glass amplifies intuition and the subtle connections of the 6th and 7th chakra, connecting them to the 3rd chakra. Promotes calming and helps heal childhood trauma. Useful in cases of adaptation difficulties.
Vanadinite is beneficial for stabilization, and offers the help that hesitant and unstable people need to achieve their goal. Thus, they will be able to pursue their dreams and claim a better quality of life. Being very concrete, vanadinite offers relatively few spiritual virtues.
However, it helps you reach out to others, express your thoughts and emotions and make choices. The vanadinite stone would be good for concentrating, stabilizing your mood and no longer letting your emotions block your life. In addition, placed on the bedside table, it helps individuals who have difficulty falling asleep because they think too much.
Vesuvianite is a very high energy stone, it can be active at the level of each of the chakras, it allows us to find the balance between the ego and the outside, to assert ourselves without crushing others, soothes without diminishing energy is a perfect stone for the team leader, the leader. This stone invites us to be rather than to appear, it helps us to be in acceptance of what is.
Vulcanite is an extremely powerful stone, possessing very high vibrations while being deeply earthy. It is an excellent shield against electromagnetic pollution. Activates the sacred chakra and personal power, in order to create our own reality. Soothes nerves and calms anxiety, promoting sleep. Beneficial for people who are depressed, angry or stressed.
Yooperlite allows you to objectively recognize and express your own feelings. It helps to release anger as well as negative thoughts, to combat fears. Brings a clear and insightful mind, allowing access to inner peace. Yooperlite stimulates self-acceptance and self-confidence. It is a stone of truth.